Chronic But Iconic

Presented to you by Sophie Ward, a Lyme Disease campaigner, blogger, author and radio presenter. Learning how to adapt living life with chronic illness. The challenges we face and the lessons we have to learn. There isn’t a text book with all the answers. We learn on the job, through experiences and fellow sufferers. Chronic illness is tough and there will be rough times but I hope my podcast will inspire you all to keep chasing your dreams and that you DO deserve to live life.

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Monday Oct 05, 2020

Hey guys, just a quick little overview for what to expect from this series. I can't believe this is the fourth series, HOW EXCITING. This series I am passionate about discussing areas of chronic illness we all find difficult. Lockdown, more than ever has really shown the difficulties of all the areas I want to discuss. 
-Body image
-Social media
- Having fun with chronic illness
-Loss of identity
And much more. 
Let's dive in and remember if you don't already check out & follow my Instagram: @SOPHIEWARDY to keep up to date with the latest. 
REMEMBER TO LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, DROP UP A RATING, if you would be so kind. Thank you so much. It really helps me create content you really want to hear. 
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, I am no professional, just a girl out here living with multiple chronic illnesses, trying to decode life & make the best of it. 
Love you guys, thank you so much for your support. xox
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Chronic But Iconic (Trailer)

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020

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Monday Jun 15, 2020

Thank you SO MUCH for all your love ad support through this series. I hope you have enjoyed every episode and gained great value from each topic we have discussed through the series. I would love to hear from you & your feedback. How have you found this series? What would you like to see more of? What did you find most helpful? Your feedback helps me grow and create the best content possible. So please reach out to me!!
You can follow my journey on my blog: Sophantastic, my Instagram: @sophiewardy and my Facebook Travel group: Sophantastic Travel. I share hacks, useful checklists, deals, my journey and so much more over on these platforms.
And finally a big thank you , once again from me. I love you so much! You are my rocket fuel, my oxygen and inspire all my work. THANK YOU. 
Sophie x
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The Art Of Gratitude

Monday Jun 08, 2020

Monday Jun 08, 2020

I know I preach it, gratitude is my religion. But it really is. It has got me out of the dark holes, helped me find the light and create my own light. It is so surprising how much life glows when we begin taking small steps to appreciate what we have and how lucky we are. But where do we begin? We are lucky to have tools like diaries, gratitude diaries, law of attraction journals that really help us stay accountable, look back and reflect. When we see the evidence we can't argue with it. Let's get your glow back! Let's dive in.. 
You can follow my journey on my blog: Sophantastic, my Instagram: @sophiewardy and my Facebook Travel group: Sophantastic Travel. I share hacks, useful checklists, deals, my journey and so much more over on these platforms.
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Monday Jun 01, 2020

The work, life balance. I don't have an off switch when it comes to my work & I am so lucky that my passions are my work! However, this presents the problem that in my mind I don't deserve time off, because 'I am never working.' When actually my days are filled. I am still working on nailing a balance. As we can't forget that we need to live, we need to look after ourselves, spend time with our loved ones and be present in the moment too. BUT yes, work gives us a focus and a purpose. It helps us achieve our dreams and as we all know we need to put in a lot of hard work to achieve what we want out of life.  So how can use tools to remind ourselves of the work we have done and the rest we have earnt? Let's dive in.. 
You can follow my journey on my blog: Sophantastic, my Instagram: @sophiewardy and my Facebook Travel group: Sophantastic Travel. I share hacks, useful checklists, deals, my journey and so much more over on these platforms.
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Monday May 25, 2020

City breaks, are all the rage. We all want that quick weekend get away. Suffering with a disability isn't just as easy as booking your trip an hopping on a plane.  OR CAN IT BE? Here is the episode for you. Learn about a few cities to try to build up your confidence when it comes to travelling again. You will be surprised how much countries are stepping up their game. They WANT YOU, yes! You heard me correctly. We feel invisible a lot of the time but believe you me, companies, tour operators, councils,  cities, hotels, cruises and resorts are upping their game to accommodate us.  So, we need to make the most of this, and feel wanted, valued AND GO OUT AND EXPLORE THE WORLD. You deserve it, for yourself. Never forget that. 
You can follow my journey on my blog: Sophantastic, my Instagram: @sophiewardy and my Facebook Travel group: Sophantastic Travel. I share hacks, useful checklists, deals, my journey and so much more over on these platforms.
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Monday May 18, 2020

This episode is JAM-PACKED with useful advice, hacks, tips to making your airport journey as smooth as possible. It is often the part of travel that frankly puts people off travelling at all. I hope to offer you some advice, hints and tips within this episode that you will be willing to try to see if you can ace the airport system and make the whole experience a WHOLE lot better. Let's get into it.. 
You can follow my journey on my blog: Sophantastic, my Instagram: @sophiewardy and my Facebook Travel group: Sophantastic Travel. I share hacks, useful checklists, deals, my journey and so much more over on these platforms.
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Monday May 11, 2020

Self-development. I know what you are thinking.. I am not selfish, I don't deserve love, care and my time. Stop right there, you ARE WORTHY and self-development is a key part of our lives to make our days brighter with more sparkle. Think of it in the sense you have so much to give but if you are drained, down, exhausted how can you give the 120per cent you want to? Remember when you glow from the inside, it shines through to the outside too. But in order to achieve this we must commit and dedicate the hard work needed to re-build our castles. Yes, I have been there too, where to begin? Dedicating just 30 minutes a day to a motivational podcast, reading a mindfulness book that may be concentrating on confidence all works towards your self-development journey. And just like happiness, it is a journey that needs daily work and commitment. BUT it is achievable to gain a better understanding and easily adapt all the tools into our lives.  Let's dive in..
You can follow my journey on my blog: Sophantastic, my Instagram: @sophiewardy and my Facebook Travel group: Sophantastic Travel. I share hacks, useful checklists, deals, my journey and so much more over on these platforms.
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Monday May 04, 2020

Relationships HARD when battling with a chronic illness. We lose a lot of people because they fail to understand & be flexible. Often, like I used to, we cling on to them. DON'T we don't need the negativity and the upset clinging on brings. We have to focus on all the cheerleaders and diamond rocks that are there for us. Through thick and thin. Whether we are poorly or not, people come in & out of each other's lives ALL the time. It is just harder for us to digest because of our health. When we lose a key person in our lives it is like losing a right arm and we blame ourselves for them choosing to walk away. The blame game does nobody any good. NOBODY. But it is an easy trap to fall into. Join me! Let's decode this and get you in a more positive frame of mind about the wonderful people that add sparkle to your life. 
You can follow my journey on my blog: Sophantastic, my Instagram: @sophiewardy and my Facebook Travel group: Sophantastic Travel. I share hacks, useful checklists, deals, my journey and so much more over on these platforms.
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Monday Apr 27, 2020

The weather, maybe we are aware of the impact it has on our well-being or maybe we haven't even taken notice. I think it is important to track how the weather affects us as especially the sun can offer a wealth of natural vitamins. I wanted to create this episode to help us be more aware and alert of our symptoms in the change of weather, climate and seasons so that we become better armed and prepared. I know I am a sunseeker and how much it truly helps me and give my immune system boost that pills can't.  Remember you can follow me over on Instagram: @sophiewardy and join my travel Facebook group; Sophantastic Travel to have access to useful checklist, hacks, deals and much more. 
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Sophie Ward

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